


前田 正史 MAEDA Masafumi

工学博士。毕业于东京大学工学部 / 东京大学研究生院工学系研究科金属工学专业 博士课程结业。曾任东京大学生产技术研究所所长等职,历任东京大学理事、副校长。2016年10月至2019年3月任日本电产株式会社生产技术研究所所长。研究领域是“金属生产工程”和“资源回收利用”。2018年4月起任京都学园大学副校长,2019年4月起任京都先端科学大学校长。






Our university is changing. And in four years, you will change too.

Kyoto University of Advanced Science is a comprehensive university with 11 Departments and 5 Graduate Schools under 5 Faculties: the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science, the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and the Faculty of Engineering. We are a compact but powerful university that encompasses the social sciences, the natural sciences and the humanities.

Here are KUAS, we strive to provide our students with the ability to discover, pursue, and obtain their own dreams. In addition to specialized courses, students at KUAS are expected to cultivate a knowledge of the liberal arts so that they can succeed as independent members of society. KUAS students must also acquire the ability to engage people from all over the world and effectively manage international projects.

Our university is constantly evolving. This year, more than 40 international students will join our newly established Faculty of Engineering. Our campus will become even more internationalized as students of various backgrounds engage in friendly competition and cross-cultural exchange. Meanwhile, our Graduate School of Business Administration will launch an MBA program in April of next year. Academics with engineering backgrounds will have the opportunity to study business management, while management aspirants with humanities backgrounds will learn about cutting-edge fields in information, engineering, science and technology. Our goal is to create a new kind of program that will foster the business professionals who are truly needed in today's society, without being bound by the conventional academic divisions between humanities and science.

We live in an era of turbulent change, and you will be the generation that leads humanity through it. That is precisely why we at KUAS want you to find a dream to hold onto. We want you to enjoy your school days to the fullest. Studying, interacting with people from different backgrounds, and working hard with your friends; these experiences will enable you to carve out a future of your own. KUAS can provide you with a place to demonstrate your abilities and realize your dreams.

